A review by magencorrie
Age of Myth by Michael J. Sullivan


(Gave it a 3.5 star rating, which may change, because I did really enjoy the world the author created)

Oh, how I really wanted to enjoy this one. The idea, the premise of it, really pulled me in and captured my attention. However, being in a bit of a major book rut, I haven't been able to enjoy books I know I would probably enjoy. Age of Myth is definitely a book I know I would enjoy, if I had the time to read and in the mood. Sadly, I just haven't been. Starting it, I was taken by the work the author created. Imaginative and beautifully written, I did love the world and the characters that were introduced. The book is very reminiscent of Lord of the Rings (pretty much any fantasy within that category), but the book did hold a very unique air that I did like. However, I just couldn't get far into the book, sadly. I'm hoping if I just put it down and wait, I can pick it back up , give it another try because I really want to. Definitely recommend this one to fantasy lovers out there!