A review by nightwing
Faith: Greater Heights by Julie Murphy

Did not finish book. Stopped at 16%.
First off, Goodreads & NetGalley need to stop advertising this series as a graphic novel...it's not...lol. 

Secondly, thanks to NetGalley &  HarperCollins Children's Books for the early copy in exchange for an honest review.

Faith: Greater Heights is a sequel that continues to follow Faith's super-adventures after the first book. Faith has the ability to fly, but in this book, she has to pick up the pieces of the last adventure while juggling her much-changed home life. 

I tried reading the first one after finding out this was a sequel and I was already approved for it...I couldn't get very far. I do think that the writing has greatly improved in this sequel and that's a great sign, but I wasn't a fan of Faith as a character and had a hard time reading because of her. I can't really pin it down too much, but I guess I feel like she didn't have too compelling of a personality to keep reading? I could use more of her internal dialogue that isn't about television shows to get a better feel for her. 

The dialogue is witty and snappy, the characters interact with one another in a fun way, but this series is just not for me. I like how this one has some darker content in that Faith has to deal with her grandmother's memory issues while thinking about what she wants to do in the future.

I don't really get why Faith doesn't fly half as much as she should, she's really missing out on that sweet superpower...