A review by samanthampg
A Question of Holmes by Brittany Cavallaro


I'm a mess of emotions right now but I'm gonna try to write the best review I can. It's hard to say goodbye to something you love so much but with writing, sometimes beating a dead horse decreases the quality of work - so I understand not wanting to write a million novels in this series even though I would read them if she did.

Firstly, I loved the plot of the novel, I thought it was interesting, easy to follow and so much like book one that it reminded me of all the reasons I fell in love with this story - and with Jamie and Charlotte in the first place. But it was also different, these characters had grown and evolved into better versions of who they were in the first book and I loved getting to experience them experiencing such a similar situation but as more evolved versions of themselves.

As well (minor potential spoiler) I loved seeing Jamie and Charlotte's relationship finally in a place that I thought they deserved, I would always -and I really mean it- prefer there to be more romance in almost any novel, but this was RIGHT for them. It was exactly the way that I thought their relationship would be, Brittany Cavallaro just understands these two so well and it bleeds onto the page. Charlotte's past trauma was dealt with really well and it was nice to see her being about to grow from it and be able to enjoy her relationship with Jamie -and he was completely understanding and it was so well done.

My ONLY critique was that I wished we would have gotten more of Jamie's perspective, It was a nice mirroring of the first novel where we read mostly from Jamie's POV and in this one, it's mostly Charlotte. I love the dual perspectives that we got in book 3 and 4, and thought it would have been nice to hear his thoughts on the difference in who Charlotte had become and their newfound relationship (in all senses of the word)

Regardless, 5 stars to A Question of Holmes because I loved it, and I loved these characters and the plotline was easy and fun, it was a nice wrap up to everything !