A review by theresidentbookworm
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #11 by Raúl Angulo, Ed Dukeshire, Marc Aspinall, Jordie Bellaire, David López


I'm back to Buffy comics after a long, quarantine mandated break, and I'm officially confused. I vaguely remember the issue before this and the Buffy and Angel being in the Hellmouth arc/miniseries, so I don't think I'm confused because of that. I think I'm confused because the plot of the issue is just a tangled mess. I'm not sure what's up with Robin or who the Hellmother is. I'm not sure what's wrong with Xander and Willow, and I'm a little annoyed with how mopey they are in this issue. And no Giles? I need some Giles! And is the women at the end supposed to be Anya? Again, I can't remember, and I'm so confused. I can't wait for Buffy to make sense to me again.