A review by bibliocyclist
Bit Rot by Douglas Coupland


"Boringness is the superpower of communism. Globalization kills you, but first it puts you to sleep."

"If sophistication is the ability to put a smile on one's existential desperation, then the fear of a glossy sheen is actually the fear that the surface is the content."

"Minimalists are actually extreme hoarders: they hoard space, and they're just as odd as those people with seven rooms filled with newspapers, dead cats and margarine tubs."

"It's really boring to listen to two people channeling their inner professors. Inside their heads they're getting an A+ on a nonexistent essay."

"I think Valhalla for the Mensa set was group sex with Xavier Hollander on a houseboat with walls covered in macramé wall-hangings and fencing swords."

"Millions long for immortality who don't know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon."

"Right now I like these new hipster stores that each sell exactly four and a half things and feel like the Great Depression when you walk in. A painted rock, a really good notepad made in Antarctica, a knitted cozy for displaying heirloom tomatoes, vintage aspirin holders and a sock. I'm never sure if it's a pop-up conceptual art gallery or if it's for real, which is actually the very best retail confusion there is."