A review by islandgeekgirl
The Revenge Playbook by Rachael Allen


In one way or another, Liv, Ana, Peyton, and Melanie Jane have all been hurt by the football team. The girls suffer and the guys walk around school like the kings they're treated like by the whole town. This year the girls come together and decide to get revenge. They're going to beat the boys at their own game and cause total humiliation.

This book was so much fun to read. It had me laughing so hard I was nearly in tears. It also made me furious at what the football players were doing to those girls and the stuff they would get away with. It had me wanting to join in on the revenge with the four main girls.

The girls couldn't have been more different and I really liked that we got to see how they all became involved with the revenge scheme. There was Liv, whose boyfriend was forced to break up with her because the team declared her a slut for the way she dressed. Melanie Jane who was dumped because she wouldn't have sex with her boyfriend. Peyton struggled in class with no help while the football players goofed off and got away with it. Ana became invisible after an incident with a player that was blamed on her. They all had very understandable reasons for wanting to get revenge.

The author did a wonderful job at making each girl's voice unique to the other girls. It was always easy to tell whose POV I was reading at the time and each voice was one that I enjoyed reading. I had a hard time choosing between Ana and Peyton as a favourite but there were times when Liv and Melanie Jane snuck their way in there too. I just can't pick one.

I really liked the way the whole revenge scheme was played out. It wasn't easy for the girls and it wasn't just a lot of planning with one big event. They had a list of dares, same as the boys, and they had to complete it first for their revenge to work. The dares were a lot of fun to read, as was the competitiveness of the girls each time they knew the boys were close or ahead. It also worked really well to show the girls beginning to bond as friends instead of just revenge partners.

The book was mostly light with great developing friendships but it did hit some deeper issues. I thought they were all handled well and it left an impression after I was finished. It was one of those situations in books where, as the reader, I wanted to be able to say the football players' special treatment was far-fetched but it sadly wasn't and it's all too common.

*I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.