A review by lifeinthebooklane
A Billionaire's Vow by Laura Riley, Laura Riley


Whilst we've met both Chelsea and Lucian in Laura Riley's Stepping Stone's series, A Billionaire's Vow can easily be read as a standalone story. There are quite a few tropes in this story, some of which surprised me. What was most pleasing was that none of them felt tired, overused or cliched. The author had very carefully crafted a story where all of them made sense, where all of them held a purpose, and where I didn't have to suspend my disbelief to a ridiculous extent.

I spent the first few chapters thinking what an entitled p***k Lucian was, though that was partly due to how unreliable/biased a narrator Chelsea initially was. That said, in the prologue, Lucian certainly gave her enough reason to despise him. However as the story unfolds not only do we see how much both protagonists are a result of their upbringing, but we also get to see a very thoughtful and caring side to our hero. Though occasionally entitled he is also loyal to a fault, driven and determined.

As for Chelsea, I adored her from page one. She may be a girl with issues, one who hides from the world, but that should not be confused with weakness. There is a steel core running through her and Chelsea was prepared to go into battle for those she loves, even if it meant causing herself pain.

Part of me wants to describe this as slow-burn because it feels as though there is a lot of build-up prior to them giving into their sparking chemistry. That wouldn't be accurate though as most of the book spans just a handful of days. But boy did I believe in this couple and their feelings. I was one hundred percent all in for them. I loved how much this story made me feel, the emotions are incredibly well portrayed and I soon couldn't put the book down.

Given the entire relationship is fake - or is it? - you know at some point the bubble is going to burst. I have to say the who, when and how took me totally by surprise! There was foreshadowing for this revelation, it was sparse (in a good way) and subtle but it was there. I loved that I couldn't predict what would happen next. The author certainly seemed to enjoy putting Chelsea, Lucian AND us through the emotional wringer before allowing us to enjoy their HEA.