A review by bigdarklove
Machine by Elizabeth Bear

Did not finish book. Stopped at 40%.
I think if I read the word "atavistic" one more time I'm going to lose my mind. It was bad enough in Ancestral Night, but it made a comeback in this one-- alongside the word "quiescent."

This book has a lot of elements that I normally look for in sci-fi, but the story just isn't gripping me. It's a hefty book, and I gave it to nearly halfway before calling it. I have too many other books I want to read to keep slogging through (and gritting my teeth every time the author overuses one of those two words for which there are perfectly good synonyms) hoping something finally grabs my attention.

I felt this way with Ancestral Night as well, but that one did eventually get rolling and capture my attention. 🤷‍♀️