A review by rheashami
Acceptance by Jeff VanderMeer


Ok. Ok. Ok. I have many thoughts.

All throughout - mr vandermeer your imagery is stunning. I loved the writing in all three books.

I think annihilation was the strongest of the trilogy. surprisingly good character building of a nameless protagonist - scientist that isnt great with people, doesn't have a perfect marriage, and isn't a very good biologist. i love her. men CAN write women!!! it could have been a stand alone novel and I'd be happy. would have a lot of questions but still happy to have them left open-ended

authority.... I'd heard it was a bit of a tonal shift and sometimes a slog to get through the start/middle, but honestly, i thought it was as gripping as annh. Control was pretty interesting, i feel like i missed some details on the first read through especially about his past (kind of skimmed the grandpa stories sorry) and I'd defs want to pay more attention to the descriptions of the SRR building itself. the whole concept of terroir, the discussions with the linguist were also such a good build on the world annh introduced us to. The janitorial closet scene..... bruh i had to put the book down that was the creepiest shit I've ever read. The entire build up to it helped create this on-edge vibe, and little things were really unnerving such as having some background convo that john hears being taken verbatim from the first book. ugh. masterful scenery, especially the end. only negative for me was the hypnotism subplot, which i was very onboard for annh, seemed a bit eh in this one. came out with lots of unanswered questions still, and even though the jump into the portal was a bit cliffhangery i think it still worked really well at not *just* being a set up for the third book.

I can't tell if I prefer authority or acceptance better, they were very different.
it was kind of annoying to keep going between the director/control/ghost bird/saul, but maybe that was the point. 
- I LOVED the director chapters, second person narration was used to perfection.
- control chapters were the weakest, i feel like he'd lost some oomf from the second book
- ghost bird i think im in love with her so am biased in saying they were good
- lighthouse keeper were really good, mainly for the lore but also he was a fun character and the pre-A-X setting was very interesting. S&SB is so funny as a concept. 

The ending still left me with SO MANY QUESTIONS, so here are some random thoughts:

- why was mrs control involved with S&SB? why tf is henry doing what he does?? how'd he get cloned? DONT MESS WITH THE LENS MAN!!
- i want to know more about the island and bonfire.
- that scene in the bar with the piano player fingers breaking ... you know the one. i think saul is somehow causing it. same with his tiff with henry in the lighthouse - he was unawae of his actions maybe because he was being possessed by the brightness
- he is the tower AND the crawler. also the tower is surely a reflection of the lighthouse? 
- unknown if he made the 'barrier'
- where do things go when they go through the barrier instead of the door? WHERE ARE THE RABBITS??
- is lowry that came back from the first exp og or a clone? does it matter? what even are his motives and whats the deal with the cell phone??? 
- time dilation was crazy
- how and why did all the journals get to the lighthouse?????????? super creepy
- director had cancer, went into A-X, came back (uncloned). Expedition 11 whatever iteration happened, the clones all had cancer becasue A-X was mimicking the director. then expedition 12 happens, their clones don't have cancer because A-X fixed its previous error
- whitby that came back from the unauthorised trip was a clone that killed the real one. the rotting honey smell in all of authority is from him? when/why does control stop smelling it? i think biologist mentionned honey in the first book. honey can't rot so what even is john talking about????? what's the deal with the mouse?
- the exp11 clones - except the psych? - got back to our world through the tower. did all the places they emerged from also 'contaminate' our world like the exp12 ones?
- was that owl actually the hubby or was biologist just going insane? 
- SR building became living like the tower.... is that whitbys transformation? after seeing the flower blossom? 
- the linguist that bailed on exp12 - possibly that assistant that kept biting her lips
- whats the deal with the ants
- at the end, john turns into a hare like whitby's drawing? or maybe chorry since he was holding that chesspiece. or maybe the marmot ghost bird sees. idk i think i like hare the most. Why did going through the door trigger a change in A-X?

side note the covers of the tenth anniversary look so beautiful. Maybe i buy them when the fourth comes out and do a deep dive.