A review by allymuddyorbs
Something Like Fate by Susane Colasanti


4 stars because the ending seems unrealistic.

I honestly love the plot of falling for your best friend's boyfriend because that's something that truly happens in a teenager's life. Trust me. I know. Now, in real life, I'm not really sure how it plays out because I've never really fallen for anyone's boyfriends or vice versa yet.

The general idea's an immoral one, that much I can't disagree with. But it's also something that's unbelievably real in this world, and something that is a cause for much tension between sisters, by blood and by soul. It doesn't matter to some that the boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with them some time ago; when your best friend dates your ex, it hurts no matter how long you've been split up.

I don't approve Erin's way of reacting to Lani and Jason's news, though. It's true. Nothing can set apart two soul mates, not even the worst of situations. Your soul mate could be living in France or in Belgium for all you know, but because that person is meant to be with you, you'll find each other no matter what the means. It might not be today, but the future holds many promises. And to overreact and put your best friend in a compromising and humiliating situation that she didn't deserve to be in just because her soul mate happens to be your ex-boyfriend is absolutely unforgivable. I mean, to manipulate everyone into thinking that she was the bad guy and even going to the extent of contributing to a website that constantly bashes her for something as innocent as falling in love, that's pretty extreme. And a lame-ass apology won't cut it if I were in Lani's shoes.

The reason the ending seemed unrealistic for me is that in a realistic world, Lani would have confronted Erin, said her piece, and wiped her hands clean of Lani and ended the story there. It doesn't matter that they have a deep history because Erin already defecated on that when she forwarded an edited version of Jason's email to the entire class. So what if Erin kept her physically alive all those years ago? She was killing her emotionally with every move she was making and to bring it up in a conversation as if she's expecting to be paid back for what she did for someone who was supposed to be her best friend when times got rough is not something a best friend would do. And saying you "went a little extreme" on your revenge is a lame excuse. The fact that she even contemplated revenge shows what kind of person she truly is.

And a character flaw of Lani is that she is the textbook definition of a true friend. She knows what's right and wrong and yet she does the things that would make her best friend aka Erin happy. Even when her best friend was telling her not to see her soul mate anymore, she complied because she was a good and loyal friend. She's an all around good person to a fault because all she's ever done is to make the people around her happy and to make the environment a little cleaner. And for the Golden Circle to spin that in such a way that it seems she thought she was too good for them and was only using the One World club for her college credits is plain cruel and petty.

Now for a lighter note: I really liked the secret code that Jason and Lani had because it was honestly something that would be a little difficult to make sense of, let alone crack. I really wish I could find a person I could share secrets with the way these two shared secrets with one another. I just hope I don't have to meet him because he's my best friend's boyfriend.

This book really taught me a lot about love and how if you want something bad enough and you're willing to fight for it the way Jason did, everything would turn out alright and fall into place in the end, no matter how unlikely it seems to happen now.