A review by fableheaven
The Final Empire, Part 1 by Brandon Sanderson


This is a review for all three parts of The Final Empire

This has been a magnificent experience. Not only is this my first Sanderson book, it's my first Graphic Audio book and I am amazed by the quality of both. I don't have much to say that hasn't been said before by others better than me at this, but I just want to share how much I loved this book.

First, the atmosphere created by the audiobook felt perfect for the book (I know, duuh, but I've tried to listen to audiobooks that didn't feel like they embodied the work so I've learnt to appreciate it). This is one of my first experiences with a full cast book, since I usually prefer a sole narrator, I thought it would be bothersome, but I really enjoyed the acting. All in all, now I want to listen to all Graphic Audio books.

Second, the story. I think Sanderson is brilliant at describing character's motivations and thoughts and waving a story through them. Vin and Kelsier and all the secondary characters had really distinct personalities and motivations and they were fascinating. The way the story went with its twists and turns until we get that final reveal was fun. I may have spoiled myself a couple of key elements about this universe but I am still very curious to know how what happens next happens.
I know I am new to "serious" fantasy books, but this one felt original and exciting, the worldbuilding was cool and I am really curious to know more about allomancy and feruchemy work. What I most excited about though is reading any more books from this author. If this is was his first trilogya nd I am enjoying it this much, I can't wait to get to his latter work.