A review by katekate_reads_
The Last Book Party by Karen Dukess


Reading The Last Book Party will transport you to Cape Code/Manhattan in 1987 - particularly into the literary world. Some books draw you in with the characters, some with the plot - but I think it’s less common to be drawn in so completely by the setting.

While reading this book - I was completely absorbed in Eve’s world - a 25 year old editorial assistant who suddenly finds herself drawn into the world of the literary elite. She finds herself drawn into the world of Henry and Tillie Rosen - a writer for The New Yorker and a published rising star poet, respectively.

I loved the atmosphere of this book and how completely I felt a part of each scene - culminating in the amazing Book Party the Rosen’s throw at the end of each season - where every guest comes dressed as a character from a book.

I really enjoyed this read and recommend it if this sounds intriguing to you. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the advance reading copy.