A review by petrauusimaa
Demelza: A Novel of Cornwall, 1788–1790 by Winston Graham


I really wish I wouldn't have continued the series and left myself feeling moderately happy about the first book. We continue the story of Ross Poldark after he has married Demelza. I really hoped this would have followed a bit more of Demelza like the title suggested but I found her point of view lacking from the story almost completely. She remained quite lifeless and her husband, however, I started to despite while reading this book. I didn't see any character development in Ross' at all and his way of treating Demelza and drinking made me very annoyed. The plot also dragged so much! I think it would have been so much better under 400 pages. Thank god it was quick paced and easy to go through even though I was pretty bored while reading the last 200 pages of it. I won't be continuing with the series after the second one disappointing me so much.