A review by book_whispers
Hunting Season by Annie Bellet


First off I am disappointed in Tess's role. Okay, so her role was pretty epic and moving. The issue was that Tess was everything and more than what I hoped she could have been. I get her role in Jade's hero's journey, but still. I love Tess.

Another thing is the ugly truth is out. Jade isn't really a comic book owner, she's a translator. Ha-ha. Okay so she's both, but I loved how she grudgingly admits it at the start. It's also fun that her supernatural gift is used to make a living so mundanely.
Rock to mud. I couldn’t remember all the details of the spell, though I knew there was something in there about not working on magical stone. Fuck that, because the manual wasn’t a spell book, not in reality. In reality, I just needed to have the power and the belief I could do it.
Sorcery magic still leaves me just a little confused. Jade is still crappy at magic so I'm guessing it's her unconscious doubt. That she's not believing? Why does she need all the fancy stuff? It makes it easier for her to believe? I don't like that it's not addressed fully. Though I do think I am on the right track.
“Curiosity is known to kill cats, Ms. Crow,” he said, raising an eyebrow in a gesture that looked utterly practiced and precise.

“Satisfaction brings them back,” I said, letting go of my magic. I didn’t want to accept what my brain and senses were telling me. “Do you sparkle in sunlight?” I asked.

“No,” he said. “I burn.”
I'm also very thrilled in all the magical creatures being introduced in this entry! Yeah for vampires, druids, and other things! Yippee! The more magical creatures the better. Not to mention unicorns! The world of The Twenty-Sided Sorceress is becoming so awesome. Doesn't heart with The Last Unicorn jokes. (No really I was obsessed when I was younger. Kind of still am.)

Alek and Jade are truly starting to grow for me as a couple. Finally the build up is becoming enough that I can buy it. I enjoy their frank talks and such.

In my nerd obsessed mind I am under the complete belief that Jade and I, not to mention all her friends, would be besties. The references to all things nerdy here just kept me laughing. Especially poor Tess's cruel introductory to sci-fi shows. Poor girl. The look through Tess's eyes to the big bad was also interesting, as you really see how sad and pathetic he is. Yeah, we want him crushed.

Content Warning: Clean sex scene, sexual humor, realistic homosexual relationship (I want more dang it!), nothing to gory though I guess to some extant since we are dealing with heart eating beings ^_-, and overall nothing really stood out.

4/5- Great! Really enjoyed it.

Originally reviewed at Book Whispers.