A review by sabbygee
The Star Dwellers by David Estes


Also posted on Sab The Book Eater

Wow. Just... wow. A lot of second books in trilogies are lack luster in comparison to the first one. But The Star Dwellers isn't one of those. It's ahmazing. It's so good that it adds up to the Dwellers Saga's awesomeness. How do I even begin to describe the emotional roller coaster this book took me on?

The Star Dwellers picked up right where The Moon Dwellers left off with Adele and Tristan apart. I honestly thought that after seeing them together, I would have a hard time enjoying this because they'll be apart again. But that wasn't the case at all here. Adele and Tristan had separate missions to accomplish, both immensely risky, although this time they're working towards a common goal. 

David Estes sure knows how to create characters that will undoubtedly create an impact. The character building in the previous book was good but this time around it's even better. I think this is probably my favorite part of this book. Old and new characters were given equal importance. I loved each one's voice and role in the story. Adele, Tristan, Tawni, and Rock were still the same people but somehow more kickass now that they know what exactly they're up against. I love that through Adele and Tristan's alternating POV's with every chapter, I got to know more about all four of them. These teenagers were nothing short of brave. 

The action and imagery here is even better given that they face a whole lot more. What I especially liked was the part where Adele and Tawni were battling the effects of Bat Flue, including really nasty hallucinations. It was terrifying but at the same time awesome how the pair went through and overcame the hallucinations! The descriptions were so vivid, it made you feel like you were experiencing them as well.

Now the big twist in the story... wow. Another wow! I can't even say much about the second half of the book because I'll just end up spoiling the book and the next one. All I can say is: you'll never see it coming. The big revelation explains so much about what's really happening in the Tri-Realms and it also makes room for Adele to become even more badass.

The last quarter of the book was quite something. Unexpected. Nerve-wracking. Painful. All the events that took place towards the end of the book were so painful that I had to email David just to tell him how much I hate him for making me cry. Seriously! I did. Everything was so well written that I somehow love the heartache it gave me.

The second installment in the Dwellers Saga is a real page turner! Full of action and unexpected turn of events, The Star Dwellers is definitely deserving of a 5-star rating.