A review by headcanonheadcase
Remedial Magic by Melissa Marr


I so wanted to love this book, but it was a bit of a letdown. For me, it was a matter of the blurb and hype not lining up with the content of the book.

It was marketed as 'The Magicians meets One Last Stop' but I feel like it was closer to The Atlas Six. For me, it was plagued by the same things that made it difficult to get into The Atlas Six-a really slow start, too many POVs, and the feeling that the book began over and over without really starting. Second, the part of the blurb that drew me to the book-the relationship between Ellie and Prospero-didn't even feel like the focus of the book. They didn't come across as the main characters.

While this book was not as enjoyable as I would have liked, if you really enjoyed The Atlas Six, you might be interested in Remedial Magic.