A review by trs24
Story Thieves by James Riley


4.5 Golden Stars

10th best of 2020

I didn't want to read this book, wrong quick implication by seeing the word, "thieves" in the title & because it was middle grade, but then, one day earlier, it hit me like "you should read this!" beeb, beeb, beeb. middle grades are the best! (indeed they are, for my taste) & I immediately found the ebook & started reading it & I couldn't put it down.
& I saw how WrOnG I was, what I would loss if I hadn't read it, this was brilliant & NOT at all the story I'd expected! not even close! Unexpected & Unpredictable & Surprising & Fun!
it was another Great middle Grade to be added to my list of favourites.

Once my friend & I discussed that maybe in another life, we were the characters in our favourite books & that’s why in this life we love them. (& the authors were the main characters in there.)
It’s so fancy just to think about it. I love it, even if it’s so farfetched.
So here in this story, this idea was the closest thing I got to that interesting conversion. I was thrilled as a reader, as if the book was simultaneously be written as I read it. & as an author I kept yelling at Owen that don’t mess with that story!
It was fun.
It was the fantasy version of ‘books about books’, story inside another story, & it was brilliant!

after all, Who didn't want to dive into their favourite books, eh?

Owen, you dumba$$ cute enthusiastic fanboy, Authors do what they do because it’s something behind the curtains that you don’t know! So don’t mess with it! (it is my inner author shouting at Owen. not that I disagree, but still I’m happy they did it.) he also likes to reread & finding clues & he knows everything about the book. Yay!
I really liked Kiel, funny, arrogant in a good way, inspiring, hopeful.
My interest toward Bethany changed sinus-like, sometimes she was aggressive & rude & snapping at people, sometimes she was funny. How the fates (or should I say, the author) intertwined their path was funny & making sense, in a fantasy middle-grade sort of sense.
Dr. Verity was hilarious too, I liked him.

The writing style was fun, the inside thoughts, questions, sarcasms. Also unique, when it was needed. (& I’m not kidding, I read the whole acknowledgement too, it was fun! he could be added to my fav authors list right away, but I should wait & see.)
I was also enthralled to see all those book references. (・ω・)
& I was reminded of my first Potterhead years when I was waiting for the new books in the series to come. Especially last book. good old times...
I also started watching "Once Upon a Time" as I needed something to watch with modernized nowadays version world & medieval fairytale fantasy & it is awesome too.

It was a quick read, once I blinked, I noticed I read 10 chapters! Action-packed, hilarious fantasy book about books. I really enjoyed it.

& again (like Simon Snow), I would like to read Kiel's all 7 books! gimme them!

Plot: ★★★★★/5
Characters: ★★★★★/5
Writing style: ★★★★/5
World Building: ★★★★/5
general idea: ★★★★★/5