A review by captwinghead
The Spy in 3B by Nana Malone


I don't think these two actually like each other. I think they're just horny.

Spoiler This is a case of a novel with an interesting premise, but the execution left a lot to be desired (in my opinion). 2 agents working for 2 covert operations decide to date because their agencies encourage companionship as a way to maintain mental stability. Their work life crashes into their (fake?) personal life and they have to deal with that. Sounded right up my alley, but unfortunately, none of the elements of this book really worked for me.

The backstory of the agencies and their different philosophies was some what interesting, but the case takes a backseat while Marcus and Lyra are circling each other.

Lyra's backstory had sympathetic elements, but I couldn't really connect to her personality wise. I had an image in my head of what she looked like, but she was described as having darker brown skin and then Marcus describes her cheeks as turning pink later on, so clearly, she was a lot lighter than I imagined.

Marcus was annoying. The "Baby, It's Cold Outside" relationship dynamic where a woman pushes a man away, even though she really likes him, and he pushes past that boundary with a presumptuous "better" understanding of her wants rarely ever appeals to me. It just looks like a pushy guy, in my opinion, and this book was no exception. Lyra has to pushed into pretty much all of their romantic encounters and it isn't until well past page 100 that she actually asks for him to touch her. Which brings me to my biggest issue with this book:

They went on 2 interrupted dates. That's it. They're consistently learning bare bones information about each other throughout the book, yet they're dry humping in hallways and constantly ruminating over not getting it wet. They hardly know each other. I didn't see a romantic connection between them. I truly think they were just horny.

So, while the most interesting part of the whole book takes place in the very last chapter, I really don't think I like these two enough to care about what comes next.