A review by stephibabes
The Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham


I feel really mixed about The Day of the Triffids. Early doors I had struggled to commit to it. The desperation and tragedy witnessed and shrugged off and normalised by the protagonist was more than I could stand and I considered giving up on it.

I persevered and for long passages I was glad to have done so. The slow unfolding of the aftermath, and then the creeping threat of the slow, deadly triffids enclosing their world, was interesting. It let our character ponder the differing ways in which the world would unfold in smaller or bigger communities, with conservative or intellectualised structures. But as another reviewer pointed out, the misogyny at times (and quite a long rang from one of the characters) really pierced my ability to be enjoyably immersed in the story, and instead feeling annoyed and critical of archaic and frustrating tropes to be given quite so much credence.

Finally, I have just finished it and, well, the ending felt abrupt. I guess it was a tricky one to wind up, but even so, it felt disarmingly like stopping on a held inhale. I exhaled with a kind of dissatisfied sigh when closing it up.