A review by scgermond
Big Dead Place: Inside the Strange and Menacing World of Antarctica by Eirik Sonneland, Nicholas Johnson

Big Dead Place is a seriously funny and seriously realistic account of life working as support staff in Antarctica. I loved every minute of it. Nicholas Johnson tells it exactly how it is - the beauty of Antarctica, the bullshit of the Program, and the colorful, wonderful, and completely strange people you get to meet on the 7th continent.
A classmate lent this book to me during our UD Fiction Writing course at PSU after I'd submitted a short story I wrote, which took place in Antarctica a hundred and fifty years in the future, and told me how spot-on I was for what life for humans was really like down there. I think I tore through most of this in the first 24 hours of having the book in my possession (I got slowed down at the end because of assignments for other classes). It's an easy read, but also a very thought-provoking and inspiring book. I recommend this to anyone, regardless of their love, hate, or indifference for life in Antarctica.