A review by kfan
Thunderstruck & Other Stories by Elizabeth McCracken


Loved this. McCracken puts in Work, by which I mean this isn't just a collection of cool & interesting & affecting stories, but also that they're filled with the kinds of lines that make your eyes shoot out of your head.

My favorites were:

"Something Amazing" which has a killer opening paragraph about a ghost, and instantly shot into my Top 5 All Time Favorite Short Stories.

"Some Terpsichore", about a woman who sings like a saw

"The Lost & Found Department of Greater Boston", about a missing woman, which reminded me of the unsolved murder of the woman who died on Ellery St in Cambridge where I used to live

"Peter Elroy", about death and wolves and fiction,

"Thunderstruck" about a family and parenting and a trip to Paris and the heartbreak of children, and is so sweet and sad, but also made me genuinely LOL in a passage describing a man's pee.