A review by saidtheraina
Epileptic by David B.


Gorgeously drawn memoir about the author's childhood around 1970. Many many many frameable pages.

I'm curious how prevalent the philosophical/alternative medicine/communal culture/guru-based stuff was in the larger culture in France - or was it just David's parents who got into that stuff? His parents are elusive characters - I found myself wondering about their sex lives.

Although constructed around his brother's epilepsy, I found myself most interested in other characters in the narrative. Also very interesting that he was so into the Khans.

There are many places in this translation which feel disjointed - but I think the flow problems are probably translation issues? Or just cultural differences from what I'm used to reading?
I've known a few people with seizure disorders, and this is the worst case I've heard of - or maybe that's how far we've come, treatment-wise?

This is dense, dense work - I had to really buckle down to finish it. But I never wanted to stop reading, as the time period, alternative culture content, and beauty of the construction really really caught my interest.