A review by pomengranate_moon_
What Happened at Hawthorne House by Hadassah Shiradski


Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC.

What Happened at Hawthorne House is half ghost story and half examination of trauma in pre-adolescent girls. The first 60% of this story is very strong. It focuses on the girls, their social order, and their cruelty toward one another. This makes for a disturbing but very realistic portrayal of young girls who have experienced massive trauma. The second portion of this story focuses on a man over a decade into the future trying to buddy up to the spirits in the house so that he can fix the property for a new purpose. The second half of the book honestly detracted from the first half. The children are far more interesting than this random dude.

This is a quick read that’s overall pretty interesting. Worth checking out for sure.