A review by kandisteiner
Blame It on the Tequila by Fiona Cole


Wow. I knew Fiona Cole could write emotional, tortured characters and their heartbreaking journeys to recovery, but I didn't know she could write angst like this. Blame It on the Tequila is a masochistic slow burn with emotion and heat that jumps off every page. I was sucked in from the prologue and held captive until the very last sentence. Every time I thought I knew what was going to happen, Cole spun me in a completely new direction. I had no choice but to throw my hands up and enjoy the ride, and what a heck of a ride it was! My favorite part of the story was seeing how their attraction grew as teenagers. There's just something about that time in our lives that I never get enough of! I love the hormonal rage, the angst of miscommunication and misfired signals, and the obsession with one another. Party dance scene... ENOUGH SAID! *fans self*

My new favorite Fiona Cole book and an absolute thrill for angst lovers, Blame It on the Tequila is a gripping romance you can't miss this summer!