A review by erincataldi
Aftermath by Chuck Wendig


This was perfectly alright Star Wars fiction. It didn't rock my world and at least kept me nominally entertained. Aftermath picks up right after the original trilogy and deals with the messy situation that the New Republic (aka the rebel alliance) has inherited from the Empire. The hammer has fallen but that doesn't mean that the fighting has stopped or everything is back to normal. Remnants of the Empire are still hiding out in the outer rim and whole planets need assistance. There's orphans, foot shortages, mass destruction and chaos. Aftermath follows Wedge Antilles as he scouts around the outer rim planets looking for any presence of the Empire. Lo and behold he stumbles upon the hornets nest and he's going to need a lot of help to squash this before it gets any better. Action packed, filled with characters that were... ok. Not bad, but I'm going to take a break before I continue the trilogy. Only recommended for hardcore fans of Star Wars that have seen the original trilogy.