A review by avidbooknerd2028
Our Violent Ends by Chloe Gong


This book took me awhile to read once I started. I blame this on the fact I knew this book would emotionally wreck me in ways I wasn't ready. To have a Romeo and Juliet retelling, you automatically assume the ending is going to be an emotional one. All I have to say to that is WOW!

This book was perfectly done and a perfect conclusion to a duology. The plot twists were surprising and placed in just the right places. I audibly gasped at a couple of them. This was definitely a book that while you could guess how it would end I wasn't able to guess a single plot twist. It almost seemed like the story was going to be a basic cut and dry right to the point type of ending. That was indeed not the case.

The characters had a ton of growth in this book. While they were still pretty childish/selfish they slowly started to make slightly smarter or more logical decisions. The impulsive nature remained; this in my opinion definitely helped fuel the plot line. We got to see more of the side characters from the first book and what they were actually like. Celia and Marshall turned out to be a couple of my favorites, in this book we were shown their personalities rather than just told.

The plot in this book was intricate and intriguing but also not hard to follow. While it took me awhile to read, this was not due to the plot. This book was not going anywhere near where I initially thought it would. If I'm going to be completely honest at the beginning, I thought it was going to be a repeat of book one. While some things were similar, this book handed us some much heavier topics to deal with. They were also handled in a decent manner considering what the novel is mainly about.

Overall I would highly recommend this duology. I haven't been reading much YA recently but this series made me realize how much I love YA. 5/5 Recommend, especially for fantasy beginners or people who just generally like retellings. I will definitely be following this author and her works, definitely an author I would read more from