A review by shells
A Legacy of Light by Daniel Arenson


I read this book as part of a collection from Amazon. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23769920-epic

This means that I don't really have any idea of what I'm about to read when I start each book. I don't bother researching them, or even doing a casual look-up to find what it's about. I prefer to go in blind, keep my mind open to something new and maybe unexpected.

I have to say, I've really enjoyed diving into the world of Requiem. I've never read a book that centered around dragons before. Though I have read books with dragons in them, this one is a different sort of story. The author did well with his story building. His creation of this world and its past. There is enough information to educate you, without bogging you down.
Rune is a young boy whose best friend is being taken in service of their King, Cadigus. It is forced conscription, treatment of the poorest quality, into a army run by the monarchy that rules them after tearing down the previous ruling family. It is a cruel and viscous and overbearing existence that the people live under the rule of Cadigus, the former general turned King who believes the former Requiem to be a weak place.
Runes best friend, Tilla, is strong. She is determined to survive her time in training, to succeed so she can return home to Rune. But in time, she is changed by her experiences. She finds her strength but at the cost of who she once was.
Rune, who is a year younger than Tilla, has to wait for his turn. However, the resistance finds him first and sets him on a path opposite of his friend.

The characters were enjoyable. Many were cliché tropes but the story that they told balanced this out. When it came down to it, Daniel Arenson painted a bleak world that I saw vividly as I read. I want to know more.