A review by opheliapo
The Incredible Journey by Sheila Burnford


Well. It is currently six o'clock in the morning and I am BAWLING.
I don't know if it's because this book plays up to my inability not to cry when bad things happen to animals in fiction (or real life, to be honest), or because Burnford's genuine and endearing descriptions of the characters made them so much more real in my mind, but my God, I had wet eyes before I'd even hit the half way mark.
I mean it's not like this is a new tale: everyone knows The Incredible Journey is a family friendly endeavour, I even think I caught (and spoiled) the ending for myself when the film adaptation was playing one Sunday afternoon a few years back. But I still WEPT.
I still didn't close the book until I'd read every word. I still shuddered when fights took place and shook my head when less-than-trustworthy characters presented themselves.
I was totally, absolutely swept off my feet by this small, unassuming book, and I am STILL CRYING God damn it I need to go hold my pets for a while.