A review by jasminenoack
Are U 4 Real? by Sara Kadefors


okay this is apparently the best selling teen novel in sweden... well that doesn't say much for swedish teens.


1. they did that thing where they rewrote part of the book to make it american, which included adding facebook to the book which didn't exist when the book was written. and I'm too lazy to look but i'm pretty sure AOL was mentioned and AOL and facebook just don't work together. not to mention the weird chatroom thing, which isn't what people do when they have facebook. This book just wasn't placing itself well in time. I think if it had stayed in sweden where the author probably understood the internet scene it would have worked much better than the weird attempt to make it american and completely miss how the internet works. I mean why are so many people running around in families with one computer and parents not knowing how to use computers this doesn't work with the facebook thing at all.

2. I don't actually feel the need to rant anymore, if the internet part had been done better I would be ranting about the ridiculous story line of drunk ass party girl falls in love with ballet dancer, but in this setting that was sort of the least annoying part of the book.