A review by bookish_wiccan_
The Island by M.A. Bennett


To be quite honest, I actually gave this book three – three and a half stars when I had finished it just because of how much I disliked the main character, until I thought about it a lot more and realise I probably wasn’t supposed to like the main character all that much, as I don’t want to give away any spoilers, it was the way the main character started acting throughout the book, so because of this I bumped it up to 4 stars as I realised how well she had written it. I must admit this book has a lot of mixed reviews on Goodreads but if you enjoyed S.T.A.G.S I expect you’ll enjoy this one as well.

This is a story of seven teenagers who are going away for two weeks on a summer school trip but they end up stranded on an island, the main character, Link, who has been bullied the past three years, never made any friends at his school which he attended for three years as he was homeschooled up until that point, the first few chapters are a back story into Link’s life and why he wasn’t upset when he thought all his classmates died when he woke up on the island.

The plot twist of this book didn’t surprise me whatsoever and I did wonder why they didn’t think of certain things that I can’t really mention because, SPOILERS. I wish there was a thing on here like Goodreads where I can hide spoilers what I want to say is vital to my review to be honest.. all I’m going to say is ‘the airplane pilot’ so that when you read it, you might also realise what I’m on about.

This book, I thought was a little bit too long, I think some bits could’ve been taken out as it did drag on a tiny bit but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I actually finished this in a day just like S.T.A.G.S, it intrigued me and even though I managed to guess quite a bit of it there was one thing that I forgot about Link’s parents that would’ve clicked a lot more!