A review by rachelelizabeth
The Man Who Shot Out My Eye Is Dead by Chanelle Benz


*I received an advance copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*

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I’m not really sure where to start on this book. I’ll confess that I felt like it really went over my head. This wasn’t a bad thing, but I found myself wishing that I had one of my favorite High School English teachers around to explain it to me. Especially the story “Adela”. However, I also feel like this just shows how masterful Benz is at her craft. I feel like these stories have so many layers, that made it difficult to read as a commute read, and that they deserved more respect and time and depth than I could give them.

I found myself wanting to know what was happening in the story and once I sort of figured it out the story was over. I admired how differently each story was written, I really felt like it was a new writer for each story, which was really cool. I’m not sure if most short story anthologies are like this, as I believe this is actually my first short story anthology.

In short, Benz is an extremely talented writer, and I wish I could have appreciated it more than I was able to. I hope at some point I can read a critical analysis of this work and then go back and read it because that’s how full of good stuff it was, and I just wasn’t able to catch it all.