A review by liendienmeo
Angel's Flight by Ella Summers


3.5 Stars

I can't pinpoint why this book doesn't get more than 3.5 stars from me. Leda and Nero's relationship was as strong and steady as ever (which I really, really appreciate btw). Leda was still her snarky self and Nero still the arrogant and sexy hero. Their flirting was on a whole nother level and I loved that (seriously, I was squealing my lungs out haha), especially because only Leda can bring out Nero's playful side *swoon*. The kitten was an awesome addition to the cast. Really badass lol

Even though there were so many things that I liked, I somehow caught myself drifting off way too often, playing Candy Crush or scrolling through social media. I think the events in this installment just weren't as engaging and exciting as in the previous books. I was 100% there for the couple but only 20% for the story. Bummer...


Side note: long series are so difficult to review. I find myself less and less interested, the more books come out. Charley Davidson for example, Kate Daniels, Crossbreed series, Bloodline series ... All on hold right now and I can't bring myself to continue them. Is/was it the wait? The plot? Me? Probably me... which is a shame because all of them are really, really good.