A review by bookstobarbellsbabe
My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell


This book review and discussion has triggers that many people may not be comfortable with, including multiple scenes of sexual abuse of a minor. 
.This book took me about a week to finish. It didn't take me this long because I didn't like it. I was invested in this book. I wanted to keep knowing what was going to happen. I had to put it down so many times because it was soo much too deal with. It had a lot of disturbing parts, which ironically were the BEST written parts of the story.
We follow Vanessa at 15, also Vanessa 33 in 2017. She is silently stresses that her love interest from high school is being accused of sexual misconduct on Facebook and the post has been getting a lot of likes and shares. Only thing is her "love interest" from high school......was her 42 year old English teacher. She was 15 at the time. So, in present day, that makes him 60! If he was doing it back then with her, whose to say this other girl who has come forward isn't telling the truth? Vanessa just doesn't believe her because in her mind, she wasn't a victim. She wasn't abused. She was a willing participant in their relationship.
Regardless if she is was willing or not, VANESSA WAS A VICTUM OF SEXUAL ABUSE! Her predator was her teacher. he is supposed to be safe in school. Parents don't send their children to school to get abused by their teachers. It's very hard for me to understand Vanessa's thought process. I think many people will have a problem understanding how she thinks she wasn't a victim. The whole ordeal made her suffer long term effects that she eventually goes to therapy for.
This book is unlike anything that I have ever read. What I feel is more intense and dark is that we get an eye opening view described in very good detail how a predator can manipulate and brainwash a victim.
When I finally finished this book, I’m glad that I read it. It was very dark, it was eye opening. It broke my heart and angered me to see how this effected Vanessa in the long run. I felt so many different emotions through out this book. I really am impressed that this is a debut novel.

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