A review by toebean5
Followers by Megan Angelo


For some reason I was not expecting to like this as much as I did. It had a bit of the same vibe as Brian K. Vaughan's The Private Eye, meaning the whole "the internet can be pretty messed up and if everyone's search history was public there would be mayhem." And that was all interesting- you don't need to do much to convince me that social media and the quest for notoriety can be incredibly damaging individually and as a society. (*She says, on a social platform*) But what really resonated with me the most was the relationships between the women. I found them all incredibly realistic. There was one line that really punched me in the gut (sorry, I did the audiobook so I can't quote directly), where Orla realizes that to her, their friendship was the end; but to Floss, it was just the means to an end. And how hurtful it is to realize that- to realize that while you thought you were enjoying a friendship (of sorts), the other person was scanning the room the whole time waiting for something better. Some people may think "I didn't like any of the characters," but I didn't care much. I don't need to want to be their friends to understand the story and feel for them and their choices.