A review by anthroxagorus
The Full Spectrum by David Levithan, Billy Merrell


I hope it's not too terrible to say, but I didn't expect this level of talent in a work with young writers, but these are incredibly thoughtful and well-written. My favorite - or perhaps the one I related to most - was Jack Lienke's "Crying Wolfe."

And this quote: “I loved the idea of him. I loved the idea of a male best friend... I'd never had that sort of powerful bond with another boy, never felt that kind of asexual affection. I was a stranger to true male comradery, to uncomplicated loyalty.” (65)

I initially got this book because I was a bit annoyed I couldn't find anything on asexuality in the university library and had a small bit of hope I'd find it buried in one of these stories. Not quite, but the editors promise the updated edition releasing next summer will represent my people. However, that aside, it's a good collection and I hope to purchase it next time around.