A review by ozshark
How to Bee by Bren MacDibble


Maybe 4.5 stars. I started this a few months ago, but had to put it aside to read the current crop of shortlist titles. This was excellent though and I was keen to return to it.

9 yo Peony lives with most of her family on a farm, in a future where bees have all but become extinct and children have taken their place, pollinating crops by hand. Life is hard on the farm, workers are only paid room and board and conditions are very poor. Her mum works in the city, in order to earn some actual cash, which is needed for medicine and other necessities. All Peony wants is to become a bee and to live with her family around her.

This is a fascinating, at times heart-breaking and ultimately heart-warming novel. The character of Peony is tough, fierce and likeable. She will do anything for those she loves. Her philosophy is best summed up about half way through the novel: " We're not poor Ma.... We've got enough. But we've got more if we're all together, taking care of each other."

I wished we spent more time on the farm, as that was the past that fascinated me the most, but the parts of the story set in the city were still excellent.

Based on this and the Dog Runner, I think I will read anything Ms MacDibble produces. A unique author!