A review by cclardo
Columbine by Dave Cullen


I struggle with this book. I typically struggle with works that attempt to make the reader humanize or empathize with the perpetrators of acts like these. And Columbine has a pretty problematic history with how folks interact with its legacy. But, I think this work was an important one for me to read. I grew up hearing many of the myths that had been created in the media around this and I found that reading this headed me reframe some of the ways the myths had caused me to view the world. I do respect the goal towards accuracy in the book but the author is still responsible for framing devices. The book is very much framed as how he sees the truth, and, what with the legacy of Columbine myths, I am super aware how his view could color how he tells the story. I am also a little wary of the way mental illness is discussed in this book. I understand the context but there were a couple sweeping statements that felt they could be weaponized towards vulnerable populations.

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