A review by muhrrynn
Buried in a Bog by Sheila Connolly


I wanted to like this book. I did. So it's unfortunate that I don't. I enjoyed the writing style and the setting, and there is skill in the design of the mystery, but that wasn't enough to keep my mind from wandering. To clarify, there is a murder - two, in fact - and there is a mystery, but this doesn't play out like your typical murder mystery. That, in itself, felt like it should elevate my opinion, but no. This is the second Sheila Connolly book I've tried, and while I do think characters need room to grow, especially the main character, I also need to like them a bit to feel invested. I didn't get that with Maura's abrasive and judgemental snark. There is also something formulaic in the two books I've read, where the MC's backstory portrays them as hard-done-by then a series of serendipitous events and genealogical revelations hands them all they need. I will likely try again with the second in this series because I did like Mrs. Nolan, but overall this installation left me feeling flat.