A review by mjfmjfmjf
Visitors by Orson Scott Card


Snark. Lots and lots and lots of snark. Lots of bright characters talking to each other in what is supposed to be a witty clever way that is just plain snarky. Page after page after page of snark. And mixed in with that is some interesting ideas about the nature of time and causality. And possible extra abilities that were quite a bit different then I'd seen anywhere else. Also a bit of a nod to [b:Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Columbus|40293|Pastwatch The Redemption of Christopher Columbus|Orson Scott Card|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1424312110s/40293.jpg|1348187], though in that book it was done quite a bit better. A little wit is good, a lot of wit is better, constant wit for hundreds of pages is not better.