A review by redheadstorm
Confessions of a Gimp by John Turner


Have you ever walked down the street, looking at "ordinary" people, wondering what their life is like, what stories hide behind their faces? I do. All the time. Reading John Turner's Confessions of a Gimp feels like getting an unexpected answer to precisely those questions.

A collection of highly engaging stories that offer an intimate look into author's past and each story accompanied by its own soundtrack - what's not to enjoy? Since I have a tendency to create special playlists for books I read, John Turner saved me all the work this time around. (I also believe that a person's taste in music - and their song choices - can tell you a lot about a person)

I do not know what it's like growing up in the South, trying to make it as an actor, dealing with alcoholism. Fortunately, those "connections" are not required in order to connect with this book. The author mixes brutal honesty, humor, interesting snippets from his life in such a light and entertaining manner that you'll feel like you're really getting to know the person behind those stories.

This is not a book for those easily offended or those faint of heart. John Turner tells it like it is, without a filter, without trying to shield the reader from the parts of the story that might make them uncomfortable. Which is part of the book's charm.

My favorite story was the first one - "The Blind Leading the Stupid." I knew from the get go that this will be a fast, entertaining read for me. And do I ever like being right :)