A review by catbooking
Taste of Wrath: A Sin Du Jour Affair by Matt Wallace


It took me a few days to figure out why the last couple of books did not jive with me. The reason is that they were trying to get serious, while all I expected from them was just idiotic hi-jinks and puns.

If I am expected to laugh at fart jokes then I am incapable of crying at someone's death. If I am expected to chuckle at current events references then I cannot muscle up concern over characters dealing with trauma. This is not to say I cannot laugh through tears, plenty of books have evoked this emotional mix, it is just that the humor has to be a certain type. The humor cannot feel disrespectful to the dead and the dying and those left alive but scarred. If it feels disrespectful then there is a disassociation between what I am supposed to be feeling, and either the joke is too crass to feel amused by it or you have to stop feeling bad about all the drama to laugh at the joke.

Besides that, I think I am becoming allergic to current cultural references. One or two is chuckle worthy, pages and pages of szechuan sauce references between descriptions of celebrities while carefully avoiding naming them is just boring.