A review by samanthamarie
What If You & Me by Roni Loren


Loved it! I really enjoy this series. As a horror fan I think this one is my favorite so far. It was hot AND scary, rare find. I read it so quickly - just over the course of a few hours - that I was almost upset to see the word “epilogue”. Glad to know there’s another. Good taste in movies as well! I liked the “syllabus” Andi put together for Hill.

Hill sounded like such a dream but I did get a bit annoyed when he kept referring to himself as so old (31 lol) and Andi as so young. Thirty-one is ALSO very young, hard to see when you’re that age but when you’ve past it you realize how young 31 actually is. Such a pet peeve of mine! As someone who never wants to be on camera I’d probably have left Andi at the constant insistence of recording and publishing ANYTHING but I guess the story would have progressed differently if she didn’t.

Check content warnings before reading, lots of talk of trauma.

This book was provided for free by the publisher through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thanks!