A review by siobhan27
Such Wicked Intent by Kenneth Oppel


This Review can also be read on my blog Conversations of a Reading Addict

When I first read the first novel in this series, This Dark Endeavor, I fell in love right away. The story was original and amazingly well written. When I saw that there would be a sequel I was just as excited, but I have to say that this one did not live up to my expectations. Sequels are tricky creatures that either blow you away, or leave you feeling a little flat, and I hate to say that for me it was the latter.

I hated Viktor in this novel, he was selfish and a little whiny at times and I just wanted to smack him. I know that Viktor is not supposed to be a likable character, since in the original story by Mary Shelley he was just as unlikable, but I really wanted there to be a redeeming quality in there somewhere, and I didnt see until the very end of the book, and at that point I think it was too late.

In this sequel, Viktor and his friends cross the barriers of the living a dead going in search of yet another way to bring Konrad back to life. Although the imagery and scene setting were absolutely stunning and well written, I felt like at times it went too far into the unknown, and I felt myself disbelieving the events that took place.

The end was something that will stay with any reader, and I had to read it over a couple of times to actually grasp what was happening and wow was it a fantastic scene, filled to brim with fantastical elements and amazing imagery that has stayed with me even weeks after I finished reading it. If you have read the original Frankenstein the last line of this book will leave you giddy and wonder is there is another book in the works or if it will be left at 2. It is all left in the air at the end of Such Wicked Intent, but I loved the last line, It was fantastic.