A review by kymreads
Hot Pursuit by Julie Ann Walker


It's been awhile since I've read any of the stories in Black Knight, Inc series but I didn't have any trouble picking up the storyline here - easy to read as a standalone but you'd be missing out if you don't read the others too!

I really enjoyed the character development in this one - I felt like we really got to know most of the characters here (not just the MC's) and loved the interaction between them all. As Emily says in the story, all of the characters are "...the people I've come to think of as family." So it's not surprising when there's some disagreements but also friendly joking around. And, the best part, there's that trust you get from knowing the others around you not only have your back, but want what's best for you.

And that's one of the best parts of this story - these are individuals who have been through very dangerous, terrible circumstances, and yet the have a close camaraderie that just makes them all more real to the reader. It definitely draws you into their stories.

Needless to say, watching Christian and Emily, and their "bickering and squabbles" and yes, their undeniable attraction to one another, was the main event in this one. Really a great story to watch unfold - funny, sad, poignant and hot - along the way. If you like suspense, romance, hotness and strong characters, this is one for you!

Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks Casablanca for an advance reader copy in exchange for an honest review.