A review by wollstonecrafty
Dykette by Jenny Fran Davis

Dykette offers a particular vision of the 20something urban dyke milieu that you'll only be keyed into if you live in Brooklyn or went to a ritzy women's college, as well as a semi successful mediation on self-sabotage in relationships. It's probably 2023's Detransition, Baby, but, crucially, lacks the multiple POVs that allows each of Torrey Peters' characters to justify themselves in turn. Being limited to Sasha's perspective turns the reading experience into a long slog of mediating on how terrible all of these people are to each other, with no relief of their own internal monologues (except once when you get Vivienne the pug's perspective, oddly). It does deliver on being a "weird" (read: non appealing to straight people) book where so many fail. & I'll absolutely be sending snippets of it to my bff from college to laugh about how annoying our culture is!