A review by ladywestfall
A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab


I have prolonged reading book 3 too much just because I'm not ready to part with this series and all its great characters, and now that it already ended, I just feel so sad! I WILL MISS ALL OF THEM! I WISH I COULD UNREAD AND REREAD IT! I NEED MORE!!

Unlike the second book which was heavily packed, ACOL feels a little flatter. I guess because it is already the last one but nevertheless, it is still great. The story mostly revolved around how to beat Osaron which was such a burden.
Every character had a great arc, especially Rhy and Holland. They really did shine in this last installment, in my humble opinion.
And of course, Lila Bard and Kell!! I am so obsessed with these two! They have truly come a long way from being just a messenger and a thief. I love how tough they are but they always manage to shake me with their lowkey flirting. AHHHH! KELL TEACHING LILA THE BLOOD SPELLS IN "SUCH A WAY" WAS THE DEATH OF ME!!! Lila Bard, what did you do to my innocent Kell???
It also melts my heart how adorable Kell and Rhy's relationship was and how much they truly love each other as brothers. #brothergoals

All in all, the story still managed to shake and awe me.

Although I still have questions:

(1) What really happened to Lila's eye? The eye that has the Antari mark? How was it replaced by the fake eye? I NEED THE HISTORY OF IT!
(2) What was King Maresh really trying to do, summoning his magic? I am still confused.
(3) Can someone explain to me how Kell's coat manages to change everyday or how it manages to show a different side every time? I know, magic. But still! I need logical explanations!

It will take me a long time to move on from this series. I wish I could read more about Kell and Lila's journeys! I WOULD REALLY LOVE THAT! ❤⛵