A review by nikolettefries
Heaven by Mieko Kawakami


This book was a bit insane in the sense of who would treat children like that, let alone write about it so cruelly. It was difficult to finish even though it was so short. You have two 14yr old kids enduring things no one should. The conversation with Momose made me so sick I even had to stop myself to gather myself.

I feel I’m being a bit dramatic about this, but it was just cruelty dispersed all over the pages. However, I will take the rest of my review to leave some quotes I really liked and resonated with me.

“I almost never feel like everything’s okay, but just because most of my life feels wrong doesn’t mean that’s how I want it to be.”

“I can’t express how safe it felt never being seen.”

“I knew the peace could never last, but it was immensely comforting to know that, if I never left my room, no one in the world could lay a finger on me.”

“I knew that it was cruel to be so optimistic, but, in my solitude, I couldn’t resist the urge and spent entire days basking in idiotic fantasies, sometimes verging on prayer.”

“Pretending to feel better wasn’t going to solve anything. Not if I was just pretending.”

“We’ll understand some things while we’re alive and some after we die. But it doesn’t really matter when it happens. What matters is that all the pain and all the sadness have meaning.”

“I know there’s so much pain in this, but we have to keep going.”

“I guess I was crying because we had nowhere else to go, no choice but to go on living in this world.”

And last but not least, this BEAUTIFUL quote right at the end: “Everything was beautiful. Not that there was anyone to share it with, anyone to tell. Just the beauty.”