A review by reading_rainy
Skin Deep by Pamela Clare


*4.5* I really like this one! The h wounded deeply on the inside, the H on the outside, but together they made such a beautiful couple. These two deserved a full length book. This story is m/f, recovering single mom/wounded warrior. I don't know that I've ever read a heroine who had been through so much trauma in her life. It has to be really difficult to make a leading lady recover in a way that feels genuine and healthy. This one worked!

Nate was the perfect hero. A former Marine, with a gentle side. He and his father Jack were so kind to Megan and her four-year-old daughter.

*Spoilers below*

Megan had survived
Spoilermultiple rapes as a teenager in a juvenile detention facility, and then when she was released became addicted to drugs and was abused by a horrible man. She became pregnant, cleaned herself up, then shot her original abuser, had her child taken away, and eventually served time in prison. All of this was detailed in [b:Unlawful Contact|2771105|Unlawful Contact (I-Team, #3)|Pamela Clare|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1442787360l/2771105._SY75_.jpg|2796834]
I LOVE the relationship she has with her brother and the other H's from the previous books. The little bonus story with all the men was perfect.