A review by jen286
Anti Hero by Skye Warren


Anti Hero was...okay. It wasn't amazing, it wasn't the worst book I have read, it was just...meh. Both of the characters are supposed to have these horrible backstories, but I didn't really see it. Like I was told what it was but didn't believe these characters actually went through that.

Sofia was also kind of annoying. I know she is trying to be a badass journalist and do whatever she wants, but um maybe use your head for two seconds so you don't get yourself killed? Like she wants to get her story and is not willing to think before she puts herself in harm's way. Like facing off with a bad guy when he has tried to kill you before, but now it is in the open so he can't do anything right? Cause bad guys always play within the rules. The way she went about doing her job was not very smart and it annoyed me. Because there were better, safer, ways to accomplish the same thing.

Overall this was a meh story. The characters were meh, the story itself was meh, it was just not that good. Oh well, it was a quick read.