A review by theoguinto
After Felix by Lily Morton


Had a very promising start with Felix leaving Max because he was in love with Ivo. That was very well done.

Did not realize this was in the same universe as Rule Breaker, and I thought it was funny imagining Gabe and Zeb being in the same room as they're essentially the same person lol. Both are bosses that:
- have feelings for an employee (Gabe with Dylan, Zeb with Jesse),
- have a toxic BF nobody likes (Fletcher, Patrick)
- have hangups that prevent them from going after their employee

Anyways, beside the realization, I thought Felix gave in too easily to Max (though I suppose that's because he never really wanted to let him go in the first place)

Max having solved his personal conflict of being in love with Ivo, but wanting Felix was nice but I wish we focused more on that personal journey. Because how it is in the story, it's Zeb telling Max that his feelings weren't romantic love and that feels like a cop out.

Also the scene where Ivo also says the same thing to Felix was similarly disappointing. Max should've been involved as opposed to leaving it to a side character.

Other than that, the book was fine. I really wish the grovel was more emotional as opposed to Max doing something that Felix appreciates immediately. Felix never really acted like he hated Max which I guess was my issue since I wanted retribution for how he treated Felix the night of Henry and Ivo's wedding.